Mr. Colford - Fourth Grade  > Welcome to Our Class!





Classroom Expectations

  • When you enter the room, do your job duties and according to your number either go to your locker first or do lunch count first.

  • Have your assignment book filled out and ready for initials.

  • After writing your assignments in your assignment book, have your silent reading book out and wait for pledge and further instructions.

  • Walking in hallways to and from recess, to lunch, and to and from specials you are expected to be quiet and in a single file line.

  • Please use the correct heading when doing your assignment (Number, Name, and Date)

  • Late assignments will be docked 5pts for each day that they are late.  After 4 days, you will receive a zero for that assignment.

  • Please write your work neatly!!  Answers that cannot be read will be counted incorrect.

  • RAISE YOUR HAND when you wish to speak, and wait for permission before you speak.

  • Respect the answers and opinions of fellow classmates.

  • Please be sure to ask for help if you do not understand something.

Contact Info

  • Classroom -503

  • School Phone - 367-6084

  • Best time for you to contact me - 2:45-3:30

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I have read the classroom expectations for room 503 with my child.  Please return the lower portion with your child to Mr. Colford.

_____________________________  _____  (parent/date)

_____________________________  _____  (student/date)