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Activity Two

Introduction:  How many of you have felt the texture of a leaf and noticed the upper half is shiny and smooth while the under half is rough and dull?  Now look at your hands and look for your veins and patterns in your hand.  Just like the patterns and veins in on your arms and in your hands, coins, leaves, and other objects all have patterns and impressions.  Today we are going to experiment with rubbing different objects to see what we can discover about your impressions and patterns.

Step 1 

You will need a penny and pencil or crayon.  First thing you need to do is experiment rubbing the paper over the coin.  Try rubbing softly and then try hard.  Try using color pencils, crayons, and regular pencils.  Make sure you hold the coin down so it doesn't move on you.  What did you find out?  Record it on the same piece of paper.  What kind of technique do you think this is called?  If you said Rubbing technique your were correct!!!!

Step 2

What you see is a pattern or design from the object. Now, answer these following questions:  What features of a penny can you see by rubbing?  Which tool, the crayon or the pencil, do you think is better for making the rubbings.  What ways can you rub the coin?  What happened to the pattern if the coined moved as you were rubbing?

Step 3 

In the paper sack there are several different objects.  Take each object out and practice making more rubbings using the technique that worked best for you.  Record your rubbings on a separate sheet of paper then the coin rubbings.

Step 4

For this step you will need a copy of the student sheet.  Go around the room and make samples of different objects in the class using the different rubbing techniques.  You have 10-15 minutes for this part of the activity.

Step 5

What rubbings do you think is the most unique?  What objects where the hardest to see in your samples.  Why do you think it was hard to see?  Did they have any texture? What you learned in this activity is that making rubbings of objects is a good technique for making records of textures and patterns that are difficult to see.  What professional job do you think can use these techniques in finding the information that may be hard to see??  If you said Scientist, Policemen, and FBI then your were CORRECT!!!! 

Step 6

Now you are ready for the next activity:  Activity three



