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Activity Four

This is the last activity.  Now that you have learned about texture and how to make rubbings of leaves and other objects you are ready to make your invention or idea.  Complete each step and hand in all your work when completed. You will be graded according to this Rubric

Step 1

First, share your rubbings made at home to the rest of the class that you made at home.  Describe what hidden words or patterns became visible when doing the rubbings?

Step 2

Now it is time to brainstorm for inventions.  This is your opportunity to use rubbings in creative and imaginative ways.  Think of some inventions that you might like to work on, and make a list on a piece of paper.  Inventions: 1. start with an idea, 2. can be useful or just fun, 3. can be a new way of expressing an old idea.  If you need some ideas click on  Student sheets  and use an example from the sheet.

Step 3 

After you have came up with an idea, use all the different materials that you have used for these activities.  At the end of the class you will have the opportunity to share your invention or idea to the rest of the class.  

Step 4

Once your invention or idea is complete and you presented it to the class, you need to hand it in to be graded.

Step 5

This completes the invention and ideas activity.  Remember to hand all your work in to show you completed each step. 

