equilizer.gif (2133 bytes) Sound phonograph.gif (3778 bytes)

Identifying Sounds -Did you have fun in science lab trying to identify different sounds that were recorded in the science lab at Campbell School?   Try your hand at this activity!  Make sure that you play each game by clicking on the "next" arrow on the bottom left-hand side of the game.

Juice Bottle Jingles -Did you enjoy making our musical instruments in science lab using water, plastic stirrers and beakers?  This activity also allows you to create music using bottles with different amounts of water in them.  They even give you the written music to perform different songs!

Sound Beats -In class, we learned that pitch (highness & lowness) is controlled by the frequency of the pitch. This sound experiment allows you to listen to sounds that have a similar frequency.  When you play two pitches that are similar in frequency, you will hear pulses (or beats) due to the interference of the sound waves.

Sight vs. Sound Reflexes -Which will you respond to faster, seeing something flash on the screen or hearing a sound? This activity will explore this question by letting you design your own experiment.  The results just might surprise you?

Dangerous Decibels Virtual Exhibit -If you're not careful, you can actually do permanent damage to your ears if you don't take care of them.  Remember, you're only born with 2 good ears.  If you don't take care of them, you could suffer from permanent hearing loss.  This site has a lot of great activities to learn about how you can protect your ears.

How Loud is Too Loud? -  Check out this interactive sound ruler to learn about how loud everyday sounds are to our ears.  Find out which sounds may actually damage our ears!

Auditory Illusions -After our unit on color and light, we're quite familiar with optical illusions, but did you know that there are sound or "auditory illusions" as well?  This experiment will definitely play a trick on your ears!

The Beat Goes on -What happens if you combine different tones together at the same time?  This experiment allows you to do just that!  Some of the resulting sounds are rather interesting to say the least!

Find the Highest Note -This site has three different sound illusions that ask you to pick out the highest sounding pitch.... good luck!!

Other Great Websites about Sound

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